Quality Control and Food Safety

Innovative Analytical Methodologies Control
of Quality and Food Safety




Technical experts in microbiology testing



1. In the area of environment microbiology tests


The candidate must have demonstrable experience in trials of Microbiology in environmental matrices (consumption, waste, continental, sludges, soils...) not only in the implementation of the methods, but also in the laws and regulations applicable in the sector, validation, and calculation of uncertainties of microbiological methods, control of strains and media of crops, calibration of isothermal media evaluation of intercomparison exercises and control of quality in microbiological tests. We are looking for candidates who are familiar with classical techniques and PCRs.


2. Tests in the area of agro-food microbiology


Experts should have experience in laboratory for microbiological analysis of food, feed, fertilisers, animal products, environmental samples. The CV should detail the analytical techniques that has been active. You must know the regulations of the agri-food sector in force as well as the reference documents that are applicable in this type of analysis.


Profile: people whose profile is that of a titled senior or medium degree in sciences or technical career with work experience of at least five years on issues related to demand.


Position: The work that would develop consists in carrying out audits in a timely manner (compatible with the development of your work). ENAC undertakes training both in standard and auditing techniques. This activity is paid.

The technical departments of ENAC properly assess the nominations is required for complete CV in the model attached, being able to attach a personal CV in addition.

(CV template)





Offer for chromatograph



Position: Technical chromatograph for ISO 17025 accredited laboratory in analysis of pesticide residues.



Profile: Bachelor's degree in chemical CC. Other degrees such as biology, pharmacy or veterinary will be valued.



Contact person: Send CV to rrhh@aglab.es indicating in the subject offer chromatograph.

Final deadline for submission June 15, 2012.


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Offer for a Doctoral thesis in the Dept. of Instrumental Analysis and chemistry environmental - iQOG-CSIC



Position: Offer a place for the doctoral thesis in the Department of Instrumental Analysis and chemistry environmental of the Institute of Chemistry organic (CSIC) in Madrid on the subject:



Profile: Rapid separation of glycoproteins of biomedical interest using capillary electrophoresis in miniaturized systems (Microchips I capillary).



Contact person: José Carlos Díez-Masa (Tfn:91 5622900, ext 304) or Mercedes de Frutos (Tfn: 91 5692900, ext 395)

Department analysis instrumentation and environmental chemistry
Institute of General organic chemistry (CSIC)
C/ Juan de la Cierva 3
28006 Madrid


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Lilly S.A. needs expert LCMS for development of analysis of in vitro tests.



Place: the company pharmaceutical offer a square for a person with experience in LCMS to work within Al group of biology in the development of analysis of trials in vitro. Seeks a person with experience in developing methods chromatographic and mass spectrometry.


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Technical Lead in the area of purification process development and separation sciences.



Post: Group, a global multinational biopharmaceutical manufacturing company based in Northern Ireland, have an urgent need for a Technical Lead in the area of purification process development and separation sciences. The successful candidate will join a uniquecultural fit team and be responsible for his/her own development projects. Bachelors Degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry or other closely related discipline is required.


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Announcement of temporary employment contracts.



Post: call for proposals is to take a temporary square by contract by work or service within the collaborative project of development of a molecular Analyzer based on multidimensional HPLC GC chromatography coupled to mass.


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Technical experts in accreditation activities (Redlab and ENAC)



Title: Quantitative analysis of metals in glasses by spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS)



Profile: Graduates or mid-level career in science or technical work experience of at least five years on issues related to any of the listed types of tests.



Contact: Raúl de Andrés Pérez (Laboratory Network and Infrastructure, CM)

e-mail: redlab@madrimasd.org





Ph.D. in Molecular Analysis (Univ. Utrecht)



Title: Design of a platform for enantioselective analysis of amino acids and peptides in biological samples and synthetic organic mixture


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Laboratory Technician(CNIO)



Title:: Técnico para la Unidad de Espectroscopía y Resonancia Magnética Nuclear


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Technical experts in Auditing (Redlab y ENAC)



Title: Performance audits in a timely manner (compatible with the development of their normal work). ENAC is responsible for their training in both the reference standard for assessment of inspection bodies, such as technical audits.


Profile: Graduated or medium grade in science or technical degree with work experience of at least five years in related matters.


Contact: Raúl de Andrés Pérez (Laboratory Network and Infrastructure, CM)

e-mail: redlab@madrimasd.org



Technical experts in Human Forensic Genetics (Redlab y ENAC)



Title: Human Forensic Genetics: Studies of identification and family relationships by identifying genetic profiles (STRs) and analysis of the hypervariable region of mitochondrial DNA. Statistical treatment in the comparison of unique profiles and mixed profiles from samples in the field of criminology.


Profile: Graduated or medium grade in science or technical degree with work experience of at least five years in related matters


Contact: Raúl de Andrés Pérez (Laboratory Network and Infrastructure, CM)

e-mail: redlab@madrimasd.org