Quality Control and Food Safety

Innovative Analytical Methodologies Control
of Quality and Food Safety

Laboratory Network and Infrastructure


The aim of the RedLab, is to introduce, facilitate and improve the delivery of services carried out in research infrastructure of the Community of Madrid members and its laboratories.



From this page you can:

Find support services for a project investigacón, Analist techniques advanced, large equipment, scientific, and so on.

Check out the testing and calibration laboratories in the Network and the tests available and qualified technicians in the different test methods.

Access to information events and conferences that arise from their own network, and other external sources of interest to laboratories.


Recently published a new edition of Network-catalog Laboratories and Infrastructures.

(Catalogue RedLab)

(Currently Section RedLab)



Calls for proposals


Competition European Galileo Masters

The Fundación para el Conocimiento madrid summons in the community of Madrid the European competition Galileo Masters addressed to companies, research institutes, universities, researchers and entrepreneurs, which, since 2004, comes to recognise those products, services, and innovations that allow you to take advantage of the navigation satellite in everyday life.


The aim of the Galileo Masters ESNC-2014 competition is to support new ideas and solutions capable of becoming commercial applications for the European navigation system Galileo satellite. The winner of the community of Madrid will receive services and support valued at 10,000 euros to facilitate the commercial exploitation of such innovations. The aerospace Cluster of Madrid and the Spanish Association of Telecommunication engineers are collaborating in this initiative, which will receive projects until June 30.


For those interested in knowing more details about the competition and the Galileo system will be held a presentation ceremony on May 7 at 11:30 at the circle of fine arts in Madrid.

Information about the Conference and registration on the website:


Information about the call for proposals and awards you can choose that, including University Challenge:




General of the network of laboratories and infrastructure meeting

On June 20, was held the General meeting of REDLAB. Then it offers documentation of the day which includes a summary of the same and all submissions.






National program networks - applet INNFLUYE

El On December 11 was published in the BOE the convovatoria by the year 2013 under the subprogramme INNFLUYE supports. These grants seek to promote the interaction of the Spanish technological platform with the program framework of the European Union or European level platforms. The deadline for the submission of applications will begin January 15, 2013 and will end on 15 February at 15:00.


Official Gazette of the call




The Ministry of economy and competitiveness has opened on 26 June the call for aid INNPACTO, within the framework of the National Plan of IDi, which aims to support projects of cooperation between public or private research organizations and companies to carry out projects of IDi products, processes and services, with a clear orientation to the market-oriented and based on demand.


Official Gazette of the call



The announcement of INNCORPORA, in the same Department is open until 12 July and which has as object the recruitment and compulsory training of technologists for implementation in the period 2012-2015 of a concrete project of industrial research, experimental development or technical feasibility study prior by companies, technology centres, technological innovation support centresbusiness associations, and science and technology parks.


Official Gazette of the call





Miguel Catalán CM and Julián Marías 2013 research awards


The Ministry of education, one more year, proceeded to convene the research awards from the community of Madrid "Miguel Catalán" and "Julián Marías" 2013, in order to promote and recognize the scientific and humanistic values of researchers who have contributed to the progress of society and the knowledge generated in the community of Madrid with his work and dedication to science.


In the order 19352013, of 18 June, which establishes the bases and regulates the call for research awards and which was published in the official bulletin of the community of Madrid No. 160, date July 6, 2013. The call establishes that the candidates may be proposed by other researchers or by scientific institutions, universities, centers of research, scientific societies, professional associations, etc. The deadline for nominations on September 16.




BOE Access


Miguel Catalán CM and Julián Marías 2012 research awards


The Ministry of education, one more year, proceeded to convene the research awards from the community of Madrid "Miguel Catalán" and "Julián Marías" 2012, in order to promote and recognize the scientific and humanistic values of researchers who have contributed to the progress of society and the knowledge generated in the community of Madrid with his work and dedication to science.


Also with these awards are to promote vocations to young university research and contribute to assess the activity of the research as a contribution to the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge and ultimately to progress and dignity of man.


The 8380/2012 order of 9 July, which establishes the bases and the convening of the research awards was published in the official bulletin of the community of Madrid No. 172, dated July 20, 2012 and the deadline for nominations is September 15. You can see at the following address of the portal madrimasd:


La Orden 8380/2012, de 9 de julio, que establece las bases y la convocatoria de los Premios de Investigación se publicó en el Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid nº 172, de fecha 20 de julio de 2012 y el plazo de presentación de candidaturas finaliza el próximo día 15 de septiembre. Se puede ver en la siguiente dirección del portal madrimasd:




Conferences, Courses, Seminars


Workshop on characterization of polymers (28-29 may 2014)

On the occasion of the celebration during the year 2014 of the 10th anniversary of the laboratory of technology of polymers (LATEP), the next 28 and 29 may, the LATEP and URJC will organize the 2nd Symposium on characterization of polymers which will be focused on show various aspects and advancements in the field of the characterization of polymeric materials.

The Conference, which will be inaugurated by D. Fernando Suárez, Vice-Chancellor of the URJC, will have speakers from renowned both own urjc and CSIC, as well as various companies involved in research such as the development of polymeric materials. During these days, visitors may see first hand the facilities, as well as the possibilities both analytical and research offering the LATEP.

Sessions will be free through the sponsorship of major companies in the area of characterization of polymers such as: INSTRON, Polymer Char, TA Instruments; as well as the Vice President for University Extension of the URJC.

Entries must be made through the following link:




Day international technology transfer services and solutions ICT (15-16 October 2013)


At the suggestion of Juan Angel boots, General Deputy Director of research of the community of Madrid, communicates that the General Directorate of universities and research of the Ministry of education, youth and sport of the community of Madrid is pleased to invite you to laque Foundation madrid organised within the framework of SIMO Network 2013, the International day of transfer of technology in ICT solutions and serviceson 15 and 16 October in IFEMA (Hall 8)..

The objective of this Conference is to facilitate communication and the meeting between companies, research centres and universities of Europe - potential technology partners in the field of ICT - watching opportunities for collaboration and business through the development of previously scheduled bilateral interviews.

The day has the support of universities and public bodies of research of the system madrid in the Organization of the meetings, in addition to business entities. The latter will bring his vision in identifying the new technological needs of this rapidly evolving sector.

This initiative is based on the programme of work of the Enterprise Europe Network from which the system madrid is an active node. This network consists of 600 organizations providing territorial coverage in more than 50 countries, approaching the companies services of advice and support to the transfer of technology, as a way to increase their international competitiveness.

Registration before September 20


More information






Conference "Horizonte 2020" (May - June 2013)


The Foundation madrid, in collaboration with the Centre for Industrial technological development (CDTI) and the General directions of universities and research and European Affairs of the community of Madrid, organized a series of conferences of information about Horizon 2020 in order to prepare and promote the participation of Madrid in the framework programme for research and innovation in the European Union 2014-2020.

During these days will be measures envisaged for each subject area within Horizon 2020 as well as the corresponding to the main public initiatives - public or public-private partnerships driven by the EU in this area (JTIs, JPIs, PPP, etc.).


Sessions provided for at the moment are as follows:



  • Perspectives on research and innovation in the health area, demographic change and well-being in the Horizon 2020 programme

  • Perspectives on research and innovation in the area of safe, clean and efficient energy in the Horizon 2020 programme
  • Perspectives on research and innovation in the area of transportation intelligent, ecological and integrated in the Horizon 2020 programme (June 12) registration starting from 22 may
  • Perspectives on research and innovation in the area of the bio-economy and biotechnology in the Horizon 2020 programme


The agendas and Conference registration forms can be found at the following link:


Free registration. Places are limited.





Course "Quality Systems in Laboratories for Testing and Calibration (May 2013)

It has opened the registration period of the course quality systems in test laboratories and calibration that organizes the network of laboratories and infrastructures of the Community of Madrid. In the attached document, you can see the detailed program of the course

This time the course will be held the next days 27, 28, 29 and 30 may, in the Pine Street no. 25 Madrid, at the central campus of the CSIC, next to the residence. You can see a map of access at the following link: map.


Due to budget constraints, the enrollment in the course will cost € 100 for all attendees. The registration fee will be used to cover the costs of the course.



General page of the course



Registration and conditions:







UNI-CIENCIA 2013 (April 2013)


UNI-SCIENCE 2013, Conference organised by the universities of Madrid, UNED and the General Sub-Directorate of research - through the Foundation madrid-which will take place on April 25 at the National Library of Spain. UNI-science brings together academics and experts to reflect on and discuss the main concerns of the citizens in science and technology.

Attendance at the Conference is free, but required a prior registration that can be made through e-mail, by April 23, 2013, to the following address, reservas@uniciencia.es, indicating: name, surname, personal identification number (DNI, NIE, etc.) and tables to which you wish to attend.

More information



5th National Congress of metrology (June 2013)


The next days 12, 13 and 14 June is celebrated in Technical School of industrial engineers of Madrid of the 5th Congress Spanish metrology, organized by the Spanish Centre of metrology.

The 5th National Congress of Metrology is intended for all users of both industrial and research measurement technologies. It is also intended to manufacturers and companies that carry out development of instrumentation and equipment related to the measures and to any entity which has implemented, or is in phase of implantation, a system of quality management. In all these cases, it is necessary and fundamental to measure properly manage and properly operate equipment and measuring instruments.

The deadline for registration for the Conference is open. More information:





Course ISO 9001 applied to laboratories and public centres of research (October 2012)


SThe registration period for the new edition of the course of ISO 9001 applied to laboratories and public research centres organized by the network of laboratories of the community of Madrid has opened. The course will be held the coming days 1, 2 and 3 October in the outer campus of the University of Alcalá. The registration period ends on September 26. In the attached file you can consult the program of the course.


As in all courses that are organized from this Office, the course is free for all attendees that meet any of the following criteria:

- Staff of the network of laboratories

- B. Predoctoral (D.G. universities and research CM)

- Technical management of the programmes of activities of ID (D.G. universities and research CM)

- Staff of the madrid system

- Staff of IMDEA


It is important that staff of the laboratories of the network at the time of registration, correctly indicate the registration number of the laboratory to which it belongs.




General page for the course:



Registration and conditions:




Virtual Course "Manages your technology company" (September 2012)

Organized by Fundación madrid in collaboration with the General Directorate of universities and research, that will allow you to experience, participating in a real-life simulation, the conditions surrounding the creation of a new technology-based company. Among the decisions to be taken are those related to the time devoted to the ID to commercialization, to seek funding for the recruitment of personnel, etc.

During the week prior to the beginning of the simulation, participants attend a training day where you will receive all the concepts and instructions needed to make ten decisions online over five weeks. This initiative is intended to improve entrepreneurship and research staff management skills.


More information




Course Introduction to research in genetically modified animals (September 2012)


On 27 and 28 September 2012 organizes the second edition of the course "Introduction to research in animals modified genetically". The course it organized, in collaboration, the College of veterinarians of Madrid and the Centre of biomedical research in network of rare diseases (CIBERER) and he is directed both to professionals who work in research centres developing projects with animals as to those who want to start in the knowledge of these techniques and for which these models can provide them innovative solutions to their problems.



The registration fee is 80 € (30 € for the collegiate of the COVM and members of the CIBERER). Convene scholarships to some members of both groups is also planned.


The initial number of seats is 80.


It is intended for veterinarians, doctors, biologists, biochemists, pharmaceutical and chemical, although it may be of interest to other professionals in health sciences research-related.


The number of hours is 15 and has been credited (3.1 credits) by the Commission for training continued of professions health of the community of Madrid (SNS)


More information:







Day of the seventh framework programme of EU ID: how to succeed in the calls for 2013 (September 2012)


Conference organized by the Ministry of economy and competitiveness on September 12.


Information about the day:







Day of bilateral meetings for technology transfer in services and ICT solutions (September 2012)


By indication of the General Deputy Director of research of the Ministry of education and employment of the community of Madrid, reported that this day will be held in the framework of SIMO Network 2012 on 25 and 26 September 2012.



Registration period:


Registration and submission of information: until 12 September

Request for bilateral meetings: September 18

Deadline for confirmation of meetings: September 21



Date and venue:

IFEMA Feria de Madrid. Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I - Pavilion 7-28042 Madrid, 25-26 September 2012


(Web site)

Contact the Foundation madri+d: een@madrimasd.org



Course of management of quality in research (June 2012)


The course, organized by the network of laboratory of the community of Madrid, will take place on 19 and 20 June, in the external campus of the University of Alcalá.


The entrance to this seminar is free of charge, for all those guests who meet any of the following criteria:


- Staff of the network of laboratories

- Hired researcher support (community of Madrid calls)

- B. predoctoral PhD students (D.G. universities and research community of Madrid)

- Technical management of the programmes of activities of ID (D.G. universities and research community of Madrid)

- Staff of the madrid system

- Staff of IMDEA



It is important that the staff of the laboratories of the network, at the time of registration, correctly indicate the registration number of the laboratory to which it belongs.


Registration period ends on June 13.



(Programme of the course)


Links of interest:

- General web of the course:


- Registration and conditions:




The Metrology seminar and the protection of health (June 2012)


The seminar, organized by the Spanish Center of metrology in Tres Cantos, will take place next June 12.


The entrance to this seminar is free of charge.

(More information)





2012 Biomedical Innovation Conference(Junio 2012)


The Conference, organized by the Consortium Madrid-MIT MVisión (http:mvisionconsortium.mit.edu), will take place on 5 and 6 June in the MAPFRE life (Avd) building General Perón, 40).


The entrance to this Conference is free.

Registration form: http://mvisionconsortium.mit.edu/bioinnovations2012





Day of bilateral meetings for the transfer of technology on energy and environment (May 2012)


The day will take place on 23 and 24 may in IFEMA, Feria de Madrid. The registration period ends on 11 may, via the link www.genera2012.b2b-match.com


EIn the framework of the fifteenth edition of GENERATES 2012, the Foundation madrid organizes, on 23 and 24 may, a day of bilateral meetings for the transfer of technology in energy and environment.


(More information)



Quality systems in testing laboratories and calibration (March 2012)


The course will be held next on 26, 27, 28 and 29 March on the external campus of the University of Alcalá. The registration period ends on March 21.


As in all courses that are organized from this Office, the course is free for all attendees who meet any of the following criteria:

- Hired researcher support (community of Madrid calls).
- B. predoctoral PhD students (D.G. universities and research community of Madrid).
- Technical management of the programmes of activities of ID (D.G. universities and research community of Madrid)
- Staff of the madrid system.
- Staff of IMDEA.


It is important that the staff of the laboratories of the network, at the time of registration, correctly indicate the registration number of the laboratory to which it belongs.


(Registration and conditions)






Within the framework of SICUR 2012, the Foundation madrid organizes an international workshop dedicated to the transfer of technology, whose aim is to create a forum for encounter between administrations, enterprises, technology centres, universities and other European organisations of the security sector. The day will make it possible to detect potential opportunities for collaboration and business through the development of bilateral previously scheduled interviews. sicur2012.B2B-match.com.


Along with the bilateral meetings, organizes the 2nd International Workshop on security in the framework of the European project OSMOSIS (www.osmosisecurity.eu) which the Foundation madrid is a partner.


Registration period: places are limited so it is necessary to register through the following link. You will subsequently receive accreditation in order to join the SiCUR fair.







Organized in the framework of SICUR 2012 and the Foundation madrid, along with the support of universities and IPOs of the system madrid, provide an excellent opportunity to:

  • Establish contact and facilitate the exchange of information among potential technological partner
  • Learn about new developments and related or complementary technologies
  • Start of technological cooperation projects
  • Buy or sell its technology


It is an important event for companies, technology centres, universities, centers of ID and public administration with interests in developing I implement new technological developments in security.


Registration: before February 17.

Contact person: Paloma Mallorquín, Director of the marketing office madrid.

(e-mail: pmallorquin@madrimasd.org; tel. 91 781 65 70).

(More information)


ISO 9001 Courses (October, 3, 4 and 5 )


“Course on ISO 9001 applied to laboratories and public research centers"

Organized by the Network of the Community of Madrid, to be held outside on the campus of the University of Alcalá.


Registration period: until 28 September.

(More information)

(Program course)



SIMO network 2011 (October, 4 and 5)


“Day of bilateral meetings for Technology Transfer and Communications Services"

Organized by Enterprise Europe Network Madri + d, will be held at IFEMA Feria de Madrid. Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I. Stand 7F09 Pavilion 7 (www.simonetwork.es)


Registration deadlines:

- Registration and submission of information: to September 15
- Application of bilateral meetings, until September 22
- Deadline for confirmation of meetings: September 28



(More information)



Course QUALITY MANAGEMENT RESEARCH (November, 2 and 3)


"6th Edition Course Quality Management in Research"

Organized by the Office for the Coordination of Research Infrastructures will be held outside on the campus of the University of Alcalá.


(More information)



Course LABORATORY QUALITY AUDITS (November, 21, 22 and 23)


“2nd Edition Course Laboratory Quality Audits"

Organized by Laboratory Network and the Community of Madrid will be held from 16:00 to 20:00 am in the external Campus University of Alcalá.


The registration period will end on November 16


Course Program



(More information)



Security and Defense Forum 2011 (November 30)

It consists of two parallel sessions:


"Day on the situation of R + D + i in Defence and Security in Europe"

Conferences and round tables that will present an overview of the opportunities available in Europe for R + D + i in Security and Defense, the various programs, funding sources, project leadership, lobbying, management and protection of patents, etc..


"Second Day of Defense Technology Transfer and Security"

Continued conducted in 2008, will provide government, businesses, universities, technology centers and other institutions dedicated to finding security and defense potential technology partners and collaboration opportunities.



Registration deadline: (free)


As seating is limited, advance registration is required, which will be duly confirmed by the organizers:

- Registration and submission of information: until 15 November.

- Application of bilateral meetings: until 28 November.

- Deadline for confirmation of meetings: November 28.



Place of celebration:

Technological Institute "The Marañosa"
Directorate General of Armament and Material of Ministry of Defence
Carretera de San Martin de la Vega, km. 10.50
28330 San Martin de la Vega - Madrid


(More information)

For reasons of safety set by the Institute of Technology "The Marañosa" will not be able to attend the conference without prior registration, and must also submit ID at the gateway, which will provide the appropriate accreditation.