Quality Control and Food Safety

Innovative Analytical Methodologies Control
of Quality and Food Safety



Procedure for identification and quantification of non-protein amino acid enantiomers of carnitine in food by capillary electrophoresis coupled mass spectrometry.

Inventors: L. Sánchez-Hernández, M. Castro-Puyana, C. García Ruiz, A. L. Crego y M. L. Marina

Request No.: P200703122        

Priority country: Spain

Date of grant: February 15, 2010 (BOPI: March 3, 2010).

Entity holding: University of Alcalá



Procedures for rapid differentiation between GM and non-GM soy protein profiles using chromatography.

Inventors: M. C. García, B. García de Freitas, C. García Ruiz, A. Cifuentes y M. L. Marina

Request No.: P200703123        

Priority country: España

Date of grant: March 10, 2010 (BOPI: March 22, 2010).

Entity holding: University of Alcalá



Improved extraction miniaturized device.

Inventors: C. Dietz, C. Cámara Rica, L. Ramos Rivero, J.J. Ramos Rodríguez

Request: P201000541        

Priority country: International

Date of priority: April 28, 2010

Entity holding: Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Company / s that are exploiting: Thermo Scientific

Countries that have been extended: waiting



Analytical procedures for chiral capillary electrophoresis for the rapid separation of the enantiomers of non-protein amino acid ornithine and its determination in food.

Inventors:  A. B. Martínez Girón, E. Domínguez Vega, C. García Ruiz, A. L. Crego  y M. L. Marina.

Request No: P200702771        

Priority country: España

Date of grant: July 13, 2010 (BOPI: July 26, 2010).

Entity holding: University of Alcalá



Marking composition of biofilms and method of detection on surfaces.

Inventors: Iranzo E., Bertó R., Cartón L., López C., San José C., Orgaz B.

Request No: P201131434        

Date of request: August 31, 2011

Entity holding: Betelgeux SL



Procedure for obtaining a food coverage for inhibition of chemical contaminants processing.

Inventors:   M.P. Montero; M.C. Gómez-Guillén; F.J. Morales; B. Jiménez-Castillo

Request No: ES1641.808

Date: September 13, 2010

Entity: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN)



Procedure for obtaining oils or fats with high antioxidant content

Inventors: Cert, A., Romero, A., Mateos, R., Alcudia, F., Espartero, J.L. y Trujillo, M.

Request No: Requested in Septiembre 2010.

Priority country: European Community

Entity holding: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y Universidad de Sevilla.

Liquid detergent for elimination of biofilms on surfaces.

Inventors : Iranzo E., Bertó R., Cartón L., López C., San José C., Orgaz B., Porta S.

Request No: P201131745        

Date of request: October 28, 2011

Entity holding: Betelgeux SL




Extracts phenolics from skin of almonds contains Procyanidins, propelargonidinas and prodelfinidinas, and their procedure for obtaining.

Inventors (p.o. de firma): B. Bartholomew, M. Monagas, I. Garrido, R. Lebron-Aguilar, J.C. Quintela, e. de la Fuente, A. Jara and M.C. Gomez-Cordoves

N. request: P200701616

Priority country: Spain

Priority date: 12/6/2007

Grant number: 2 311 403

Grant date: 18 December 2009 (BOPI on January 12, 2010)

Assignee: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Exxentia group phytotherapeutic S.A.

Number of international patent extension request: PCTES2008070104

Countries to which it has spread: Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Colombia, Japan, Korea, Chile and Argentina.

Companies that are exploiting it: Exxentia group phytotherapeutic S.A. (by contract of transfer of exploitation rights of date 18.10.2007)




Extracts phenolics from uncaria tomentosa l. (cat's claw) that contain Procyanidins, propelargonidinas and flavanolignanos, procedure for obtaining and its applications.

Inventors (p.o. de firma): M. Monagas, F. Sanchez-Patan, J.E. Quintanilla-lopez, R. Lebron-Aguilar, B. Bartolomé and M. Navarro-Hoyos

N. request: P201231962

Priority country: Spain

Priority date: 18/12/2012

Assignee: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and University of Costa Rica