Quality Control and Food Safety

Innovative Analytical Methodologies Control
of Quality and Food Safety

Training and Advice



1.        Own training course program:  


a.   II Edition of theoretical and practical course of new analytical methodologies.



2.       Postgraduate training: 


a.   Doctoral programs: Interuniversity Doctoral Programme "Analytical Chemistry." Participation UAH, UCM, UCLM. Courses 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. UAH group teachers:

1.   Dra. Maria Luisa Marina Alegre, Dr. Antonio Crego Navazo, Dra. Maria Ángeles García González and Dra. Carmen García-Ruiz, in the subjet “Advanced Analytical Methodologies in electrophoretic techniques."

2.    Dra. Maria Concepción García López in the subjet “Protein Analytical Chemistry. Introduction to proteomics”. 

b.   9 courses master:

1.   Master of Veterinary Science of UCM (C. San José, UCM)

TTitle: Advances in gas chromatography.

Subject research, development and innovation in the food industry.

Course 200809-201213. Given hours: 1, 5 h (Dr. A.C. Soria)

Title: Mass spectrometry: Fundamentals and applications in science and food technology

Subject research, development and innovation in the food industry

Course 201213. Hours taught: 2 h. (Dr. A.C. Soria)

2.   Master of Food Safety (College of Veterinarians in collaboration with the UCM, the AESAN and Comunidad of Madrid) (C. San José, UCM)

3.   Master of Chemical Science and Technology of UNED, subjets:

- Chemical and food analysis.

- Analytical Toxicology.

4.  Master of Applied Chemistry (UAM). Environmental Analysis Module. Analysis of complex mixtures of organic pollutants: multidimensional chromatographic techniques (L. Ramos, CSIC-AI) 2010-2011 (21 March to 27 May)

5.   Master of Fine Chemicals at Alcalá de Henares University, subjet:

-   Advanced Chromatographic Techniques and Instrumental Hybridization (Belén Gomara, Ángeles García González, Concepción García López)

-   Advanced electrophoretic techniques (Ángeles García González, Maria Castro Puyana, Mª Luisa Marina y Antonio Crego)   

-  Mass Spectrometry (Antonio Crego)

6.    Master in Food Quality and Safety. Vitoria University 2009-2010. Number of hours: 6 (María Luz Sanz, CSIC-AI)

7.   Master degree in science and technology of oils and fermented beverages at the University Pablo de Olavide (UPO) of Seville, course 2012 - 2013. DRA. Gloria Márquez Ruiz in the subject effects on the health of the consumption of oil, fermented beverages and juices. "Course: lipids, oxidized in the diet and its health implications."

8.   Master in applied plant biology. Dept. plant biology, Faculty biology (UCM). Course 2013-2014. (Drs. J. Sanz and A.C. Soria)

9.   Master in Analytical separation techniquesin the Sector chemicals/pharmaceuticals of the University of Alcalá (courses 2012-2013 and 2013-2014). (Drs. A. Crego, C. Garcia, A. Garcia, B. Gómara).


c.   Graduate Studies own "Expert scientific experimentation university research-oriented" (60 credits)

    "Simultaneous determination of protein anticarcinogenic Bowman-Birk inhibitor and lectin in soybean by HPLC reversed-phase perfusion"

    Presented October 5, 2010 by Ms. Saiz Anta Lucia

    Rating: OUTSTANDING (maximum score)


d.    Supervised research work (TITS) (12 credits) and Diploma of Advanced Studies (AEDs)

    "Development of an analytical method for the extraction of proteins from olive pulp and their separation by UPLC"

    Clara Esteve Gil. July 2010

    Rating: Outstanding (TIT and DEA)


   "Development of new analytical methodologies for electrokinetic chromatography with cyclodextrins for the chiral separation of the fungicides metalaxyl and benalaxyl in binary mixtures with the fungicide folpet. Quantitative Analysis in agrochemicals business"

    Virginia Pérez Fernández. July 2010

    Rating: Outstanding (TIT and DEA)


    "Use of ionic liquids at room temperature for the selective fractionation of aldoses and ketoses bioactive"

   Cipriano Carrero Carralero. 2013

    Rating: Outstanding (TIT)



3.        Training activities:


a.   Collaboration between different groups of program: possible future collaborations are:



·    Dra. Gracia Patricia Blanch:

o    Dra. Mª Luisa Marina (UAH-QA): chiral compounds in oils

o    Dr. Francisco J. Morales (CSIC-AA): Acrylamide for LODs and NFC


·    Dra. Mª Luz Sanz

o    Dr. Francisco J. Morales (CSIC-AA): Qualitative and quantitative information to NFC

o    Dra. Laura Bravo (CSIC-AA): Cytotoxicity

o    UNED: MIPs

o    UCM: Associated unit of proteomics


·    Dra. Mª José González

o    Dr. Francisco J. Morales (CSIC-AA):

§  Intake calculation

§  Variation of processing contaminants

§  Cytotoxicity

o    Dra. Isabel Sierra (LAB-URO520): application of mesoporous silica as solid phase

o    Dra. Maria Luisa Marina (UAH-QA): enantiomeric separation of chiral pollutants



·    Dra. Pilar Fernández

o    Dr. Francisco J. Morales (CSIC-AA): pre-concentration

o    Dra. Mª Luz Sanz (CSIC-AI): MIPs  

o    Dra. Mª Luisa Marina (UAH-QA): preparation of MIPs.



·    Dr. Francisco J. Morales

o    UNED:

§  LODs

§  Matrices

o    Dra. Mª Luz Sanz (CSIC-AI): LODs

o    Dra. Graciela Blanch (CSIC-AI): LODs

o    Any group for issues of quantification



·   Dra. Yolanda Madrid

o    Dr. Francisco J. Morales (CSIC-AI): baking plant simulation

o    Dra. Laura Bravo (CSIC-AA): animal testing in-vivo

o    UAH-QA: Selenium extraction plant substances

·   Dr. Jose Luis Luque

o    Dra. Mª Luz Sanz (CSIC-AI)

o    UAH



·  Dra. Mª Luisa Marina - Dr. Antonio Crego

o    CSIC-AA: highly sensitive techniques (LC-qTOF), BIOCELL (citotoxicity)

o    Dra. Gracia Patricia Blanch (CSIC-AI): oil adulteration

o    CSIC-AI: CE as an alternative to GC and LC 

o    UCM: studies by proteomic techniques



·  Dra. Isabel Sierra

o   Experts on hybrid mesoporous silica

o    UNED: Food aplications of MIPs

o    UCM: inorganic Hg

o    Dr. Francisco J. Morales (LAB-160 representation): implementation of a quality network, specifically to bureaucratic issues.



b.   Training courses:

o    Course on analytical techniques and food law (all groups participating in the consortium)

o  Course on "Techniques of sample preparation for analysis of xenobiotics in food products (COPs, drugs, metals and acrylamide)." Organized in the UCM between CSIC-AI, CSIC-AA, UCM and UNED-QA groups)

o   Course on "Techniques for characterizing the composition of foods (proteins, peptides, fats, carbohydrates, volatile)." Organized in the UAH between UAH-QA, UCM-QA, CSIC-AI, and UNED-QA groups)

o   Course on Gas Chromatography in two dimensions. Fundamentals and basic operation. Application to the separation and detection of families of POPs and pesticides in real samples. Validation of methods. Organized by CSIC and participate CSIC-AI, UCM-QA groups.

o   Workshop 9th Edition "Chemistry in Action." Responsible: Dean of Chemistry. Alcalá de Henares University. Participating teachers: Dras. Maria Luisa Marina Alegre and Maria Concepción García López. January 2010.

o   Workshop 10th Edition "Chemistry in Action." Responsible: Dean of Chemistry. Alcalá de Henares University. Participating teachers: Drs. Maria Concepción García López and Maria Angeles Garcia Gonzalez. January 2011



4.        Training courses organized by other entities


a.  CSIC Staff Training, course: "Advances in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry coupling. Application to Food Analysis ", held at the Center of Organic Chemistry "Lora Tamayo", organized by the Gabinet Agency Formation CSIC, held on 14-17 April (1st Edition) and 21 to 28 April (2nd edition), 2010


b.   CSIC Staff Training, course: "Advances in Coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Practical Applications", held at the Center of Organic Chemistry "Lora Tamayo", organized by the Gabinet Agency Formation CSIC, held 12 to 14 April (1st edition), 2011. (Access)


c.  CSIC Staff Training: Course "Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry" held at the Institute of physics "Rocasolano", organized by the Gabinet Agency Formation CSIC, held 24 to 27 October, 2011.


d.   Open Learning Programme (UNED)

-    Environmental toxicology. Director: Pilar Fernández Hernando. Contributors: JS Durand Alegría, RM Garcinuño Martínez.

-    Air quality and pollution control. Director: J.S. Durand Alegría. Contributors: P. Fernández Hernando, A. Gallego Picó, M.A. García Mayor, R.M. Garcinuño Martínez, J.C. Bravo Yagüe, I.A. González Fernández, J.A. Pradana Pérez, B.  Sánchez Gimeno.

-     Drinking water for human consumption. Management and quality control. Director: J.S. Durand Alegría. Contributors: A. Gallego Picó, M.A. García Mayor, G. Paniagua González, J.A. Pradana Pérez.


e.   Foundation general and fine chemicals pilot plant (Antonio Crego, UAH)  


f.    X Course liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry as an analytical tool. Fine Chemical Pilot Plant. University of Alcalá. Organizer and participant: Dr. Antonio Crego. June 2010.


g.   XI Course liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry as an analytical tool. Fine Chemical Pilot Plant. University of Alcalá. Organizer and participant: Dr. Antonio Crego. June 2011.



h.   Theoretical-practical course of Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry. Science classroom. Organizer and participant: Dr. Antonio Crego. February 2010.


i.    Course Quality Systems Testing and Calibration Laboratories. Laboratory Network of the Community of Madrid. Participant: Dr. Antonio Crego. May 2010 and March 2011.


j.   CSIC Staff Training, course: "Advances in Coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Practical Applications", held at the Center of Organic Chemistry "Lora Tamayo", organized by the Gabinet Agency Formation CSIC, held 17 to 20 April (1st edition), 2012. (Access)


k.  CSIC Staff Training: Course "Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry" held at the Institute of physics "Rocasolano", organized by the Gabinet Agency Formation CSIC, held 25 to 28 November, 2013.


l.  "Sample preparation for HPLC analysis” Financiado por: 39th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques’ Amsterdam, 2013 Nº horas: 6. (Dr. M.L. Sanz)


m.  "Feasibility of analyzers of triple quadrupole as an alternative to the magnetic sector for the analysis of dioxins and dl-PCBs in food samples". Paper invited the scientific seminar of Thermo Scientific about technical analysis in food security and the environment, held in Barcelona on 16 October 2012 (Dr. B. Gómara)


n.   CSIC Staff Training, course: "Advances in Coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Practical Applications", framed in the program of internal training of the CSIC and in the ANALISYC-II programme of the CM, held on 16 to 18 April, 2013.




5.        Employment-oriented training


a.  Employment Portal Madrid


c.  FINNOVA I (Doris Reinoso (2009), Sergio Castillo (2010), UCM)  




6.Personnel Management



a.   Thesis Readings


-   TITLE: "Strategies innovative analytical techniques using capillary electrophoretic and chromatographic determination of amino acids and peptides in food"

    Thesis: Ms. Elena Dominguez Vega

    University: Alcalá de Henares.

    Room of degrees of the Faculty of Science

    Directors: Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Marina Alegre and Dr. Antonio Crego Navazo

    Filing Date: July 15, 2011

    Rating: Outstanding cum laude



-    TITLE: "Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of amino acids and betaines by capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. New markers of quality food"

    Thesis: Ms. Laura Sánchez Hernández

    University: Alcalá de Henares.

    Room of degrees of the Faculty of Science

    Directors: Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Marina Alegre and Dr. Antonio Crego Navazo

    Filing Date: July 22, 2011

    Rating: Outstanding cum laude



-    TITLE: "New strategies for techniques (micro) - separation for the characterization of plant foods"

    Thesis: Ms. Cristina Montealegre Dondarza

    University: Alcalá de Henares

    Room of degrees of the Faculty of Pharmacy

    Filing Date: September 25, 2012

    Rating: Suitable cum laude (Highest rating under new rules)



-    TITLE: "Separation and characterization of proteins of the olive and olive oil. Identification using proteomic techniques and varietal classification based on protein profiles olive"

    Thesis: Ms. Clara Esteve Gil

    University: Alcalá de Henares.

    Room of degrees of the Faculty of Pharmacy

    Directors: Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Marina Alegre y Dr. María Concepción García López

    Filing Date: March 1, 2013

    Rating: Outstanding cum laude



-    TÍTULO: "Incidence of acrylamide in food in Spain: analysis and estimation of intake"

    Thesis: D. Gema Arribas Lorenzo

    University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid. School of chemical sciences, Dept. analytical Qca

    Directors: Dr. Francisco José Morales Navas

    Filing Date: April 29, 2013

    Rating: Completed - suitable - cum laude



-    TITLE: "Enantiomeric separation and/or determination of compounds of environmental interest through innovative chromatographic and electrophoretic analytical methodologies"

    Thesis: . Virginia Pérez Fernández

    University: Alcalá de Henares

    Room of degrees of the Faculty of Medicine

    Directors: Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Marina Alegre y Dr. Mª Ángeles García González

    Filing Date: June 14, 2013

    Rating: Suitable cum laude (Highest rating under new rules)



-    TITLE: "Oxidative deterioration of oils and fatty foods: quantitative analysis of hydroperoxy-, ceto - and hydroxy - acids"

    Thesis: D. Arturo Morales Barroso

    University: Sevilla. Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Farmacia

    Directors: Dr. Joaquín Velasco Jiménez y Dra. Gloria Márquez Ruiz

    Filing Date: July 10, 2013

    Rating: Outstanding cum laude



b.   Diplima Advanced Studies (DEA)


-    TITLE: "Development of extraction and analysis methods to obtain enriched iminoazúcares extracts from leaves of mulberry (Morus sp.)"

    Thesis: Ms. Sonia Rodríguez

    University: Autónoma de Madrid

    Faculty: Ciencias

    Directors: Dra. Mª Luz Sanz, Dra. Ana Cristina Soria y Dra. Ana Isabel Ruiz.

    Filing Date: July 7, 2011

    Rating: 9,5


-    TITLE: "Development of an analytical method for determining soymetide in soybeans by liquid chromatography high performance coupled with mass spectrometry"

    Thesis: Mr. Miguel Guijarro Díez

    University: Alcalá de Henares

    Directors: Dra. Mª Luisa Marina y Dr. Antonio Crego

    Filing Date: July 13, 2011

    Rating: Outstanding


-    TITLE: "Development of an analytical methodology for the determinatio of antihypertensive peptides in maize crops"

    Thesis: Ms. Patrycja Puchalskia

    University: Alcalá de Henares

    Directors: Dra. Mª Luisa Marina y Dra. Concepción García

    Filing Date: July 13, 2011

    Rating: Outstanding



c.   Final Master Thesis


-    TITLE: "Development of a method GC-QqQ-MS/MS as an alternative to GC-HRMS analysis of PCDD / Fs and PCBs in food samples"

    Thesis: Mr. Ángel García-Bermejo

    University: Alcalá de Henares

    Faculty: Pharmacy

    Directors: Dr. Belén Gómara y Dr. Mª José González

    Guardian: Dr. Concepción García

    Filing Date: July 8, 2011

    Rating: 9


- TITLE: "1-Allyl-3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluorometanosulfonil) amide as stationary phase in gas chromatography. Preparation of capillary columns open, characterization and applications"

    Thesis: D. Plácido Galindo-Iranzo

    University: UNED

    Faculty: Sciences

    Director: Dr. Rosa Lebrón-Aguilar

    Guardian: Dr. Alejandrina Gallego-Picó

    Filing Date: July 8, 2013

    Rating: 10




d.    Authorized Personnel


-    TITLE: "Bioactive compounds in foods by chromatographic techniques"
Staff: Mrs Esther Santalla
Licensed: Science and Food Technology
Directors: Drs. GP Blanch, ML Ruiz del Castillo
Duration: November 2009 - January 2010

-    TITLE: "Study the properties of curcumin and its behavior in cyclodextrin encapsulation processes"

    Staff: Mrs Alba Raquel Santiago Clérigo

   Valladolid University: Palencia's Campus

    School: Agricultural Engineering

    Expertise: Food Industry

    Directors: Drs. G.P. Blanch and M.L. Ruiz del Castillo

    Duration: January 2010 - September 2010


-    TITLE: "Bioactive compounds in foods by chromatographic techniques"

    Staff: Mrs Mónica Rodríguez Valenciano

    Licensed: Science and Food Technology

    Directors: Drs. G.P. Blanch and M.L. Ruiz del Castillo

    Duration: September 2010 - Today (authorized 12 months)


e.    Final Projects


-    TITLE: "Study the properties of curcumin and its behavior in cyclodextrin encapsulation processes"

    Student: Mrs Alba Raquel Santiago Clérigo

   Valladolid University: Palencia's Campus

    School: Agricultural Engineering

    Expertise: Food Industry

    Directors: Dras. G.P. Blanch and M.L. Ruiz del Castillo

    Presentation: September 16, 2010

    Rating: Outstanding (9 / 10)



f.    Technical I3P contracts


-    TITLE: "Chromatographic techniques and supercritical fluid extraction applied to food analysis"

    Student: Mrs Cristina Mateos and Mr. Fernando de la Peña

    University: Complutense de Madrid

    Faculty: Veterinary

    Licensed: Science and Food Technology

    Directors: Drs. G.P. Blanch and M.L. Ruiz del Castillo   

    Duration: June 2008 - September 2010



g.    PhD Student at foreing

-    TITLE: "Development of advanced methodologies for the detection of acrylamide in foods"

    Staff: D. Carlos Ares Rincón Mejia

    Licensed: 5th year student of Chemical

    Directors: Drs. M.L. Ruiz del Castillo and G.P. Blanch

    Duration: September 22 to november 22, 2010

    (CSIC-ICSTEX Collaboration of Colombia, Vice President of International Relations)

-  María Sánchez, stay of 3 months in the Centre of UK LGC


h.    Erasmus

-   Tomasso Muto, student of the Università degli Studi Federico II of Naples (Italy)

Directors: Drs. C. San José y B. Orgaz

Duration: Febrero - Julio 2011

-   Gizem Tunca, student to Erasmus of the University's Edge, Izmir (Turkey)

Directors: Drs. C. San José y B. Orgaz

Duration: Febrero - Julio 2011



i.    International stays

-  Francesca D'Agostino, student of the Univ. Mediterranean Reggio Calabria (Italy)

Duration: 1 year and a half

-  Rogelio Flores, student of the Univ. de San Luis de Potosí (Mexico)

Duration: 10 months



j.    National stays

-  Jesús Antonio Cámara Pérez, student of intermediate training cycle

Duration: October-December 2012 (Dr. B. Gómara)

-  Andrea Rodil Martínez, student of biotechnology at the University of Oviedo in practice

Duration: July 2013 (Dr. B. Gómara)

- Belén Rodríguez, student of the Univ. Complutense de Madrid

Duration: July-september 2013 (business practices)

-  Bárbara López Longarela, student of biotechnology at the University of Oviedo in practice

Duration: August 2013 (Dr. B. Gómara)

-  Andrea Martín Ortiz, student

Duration: November 2013 - February 2014 (post-licenciature) (Dr. ML. Sanz)